Social commitment

We support the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda (SDGs UN2030) and contribute to the building of resilient communities that are knowledgeable and responsible for their heritage, so as everyone can carry on his/her work in an effective, dignified and rewarding way. 
We are committed to support the training of the new generations into those professions linked to the creativity and culture of a territory, and to help the intergenerational knowledge transfer and the development of sustainable economic models in those territories.

Our commitment is based on a natural integration with digital tools, to favor the process of co-creation and transmission (through digital spaces and tools) of the historical, cultural and social memory (identity) of citizens and to build the communities of the future.

Our social commitment is based on the four-underlying principle of the UN2030 SDGs

The format “The Future… is under your feet” best represent our model of a public benefit corporation, and it is scalable and replicable in any territory. This format, through the use of digital tools, promotes collaboration and cooperation between local subjects of different nature (public, private and non-profit entities, training institutes, third sector organizations…) to drive a growth based on knowledge and innovation in order to achieve an inclusive and sustainable development by building a “territorial brandwhich the community can use to promote itself.
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The value added of the format

Its model includes a study of the territory and an assessment of the future impacts and effects that specific actions have on the territory through the identification and analysis of the main performance indicators (KPIs). 

The format “The Future? It is under your feet” adopts software tools and technologies (included in the KOOR srl SB portfolio) to promote the dissemination of a digital culture and a widespread access to technology in the territory to easily achieve the project objectives and increase the database to analyze the model impact.

The format also helps the planning and development of new initiatives and projects that enhance and promote local creativity and the culture of the territory.

Projects and initiatives in evidence

Breads of the creative cities

Breads of the Creative Cities project, promoted by Creative Knowledge Foundation, in partnership with Tucson UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, extends the definition of “bread” to include any local staple food that uses a local flour and plays a culturally significant role in a community heritage.
The project use the story- and hery-telling digital tools, part of the portfolio of Koor SB to create a digital hub where stories and traditions of the traditional local bakers, farmers and millers of the ucc are collected. 
The project is supported by TRusT Team.

Hackathon initiatives

Koor srl Società Benefit, in collaboration with local institutions, cooperatives and schools, promotes hackathon initiatives to enhance the local heritage and to involve new generation in developing ideas and project proposals that support a sustainable growth of their territories. 
The participants to the hackathon initiatives use the TRusT™ platform to tell the experiences.  
Discover our hackathon initiatives!

KOOR S.r.l. Benefit Corporation
Headquarters: Via Gian Giacomo Mora, 14 – 20123 Milan
Phone: +39 02 21 11 9141
E-mail: – P.E.C.:
C.C.I.A.A. MI R.E.A 2095767 – C.F. e P. IVA 09521720962
CAP SOC € 50.000,00 fully paid
© KOOR s.r.l Benefit Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Koor srl SB is a partner of 

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KOOR S.r.l. Benefit Corporation
Headquarters: Via Gian Giacomo Mora, 14 – 20123 Milan
Phone: +39 02 21 11 9141
E-mail: – P.E.C.:
C.C.I.A.A. MI R.E.A 2095767 – C.F. e P. IVA 09521720962
CAP SOC € 50.000,00 fully paid
© KOOR s.r.l Benefit Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Koor srl SB is a partner of

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KOOR S.r.l. Benefit Corporation
Headquarters: Via Gian Giacomo Mora, 14 – 20123 Milan
Phone: +39 02 21 11 9141
E-mail: – P.E.C.:
C.C.I.A.A. MI R.E.A 2095767 – C.F. e P. IVA 09521720962
CAP SOC € 50.000,00 fully paid
© KOOR s.r.l Benefit Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Koor srl SB is a partner of 

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